Your Vision – Our Mission

Shaping The Galaxy One Planet At A Time

VX Core Studios

Welcome to VX Core Studios – The Core to all Visually eXtreme. We are a multi media company focused on making semi fictional worlds in attempt to make the galaxy within our grasp. We are also one of the first companies to officially allow community made content a part of our universe

A Multi Media Studio

VX Core Studios isn’t just about games. Its about storytelling. There are millions of stars and billions of planets unnamed and unmapped meaning you have the opportunity to make your own planets and solar systems to your liking.

Defining the Galaxy

Defining the galaxy to your liking. Every planet holds a part of our Galaxy. Its up to you to decide what that Galaxy looks like

The VX Core Universe

VX Core Universe is surrounded around the VX Core Energy Company providing 80% of the galactic energy demand and the head of understanding the universe and powering science. The world isn’t just engrained in imagination, its engrained with reality.

VX Core Energy Galactic Database

VX Core Energy Data


New Planets

Galactic Map

Map the Galaxy

Fiction and Fact

What separates us from other Studio’s is that our fiction is based on facts. We also allow the community to add their own part of the universe. Coming soon, you will be able to make your own planet in the VX Core Universe

Expert Approval

Not just fiction, but based on expert approved concepts


Coming soon, you will be able to create your own planet

Add to the VX Core Energy Universe

Make your own planet and if accurate enough, it will be officially added to the VX Core Energy Database

Your Vision. Our Mission

If you have a vision, we can make it our mission